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1613 Potomac Greens Dr #B, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

${Price} {Beds}-bedroom {Property_Style plural=false caps=false}-style $732,900 In Alexandria Virginia 22314

Do you have reasons to be anxious when we're talking about $750,000 for a 3-bedroom dwelling like 1613 Potomac Greens Dr #B in Alexandria, Virginia? In addition, you might find problems with the home after closing. But, Nesbitt Realty can order a home inspection to reveal most potential problems. As a matter of fact, there are always pitfalls in 22314 in Alexandria real estate.  Nevertheless, a fine expert like Nesbitt can advise you to manage or avoid many of the problems  associated with buying a home in The City of Alexandria. Continue reading
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Profile And Facts About Old Town Greens

This 3-bedroom residence priced at $865,000 may be what you're looking for if you're shopping in Old Town Greens. Photo of 707 Scarburgh Way This townhouse at 707 Scarburgh Way, Alexandria exemplifies some of what we come to expect in Old Town Greens. 22314 in the City of Alexandria is home to Old Town Greens. Continue reading
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Interesting Listings For Home Buyers Searching For A 2 Bedroom Property For Approximately $650,000

If you are chasing a late 20th-century 2 bedroom property for approximately $650,000, 1611 Hunting Creek Dr #B should probably be on your list. But it's not the only 2 bedroom property for approximately $650,000 you'll want to find out about in Alexandria, Virginia. When you purchase a property, the home is yours. That means, you can decorate any way you want and choose the types of upgrades and new amenities that appeal to you and to your lifestyle in the City of Alexandria. We like to show off our image library stocked with the latest trends in 22314's real estate market. Continue reading
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Our Family-Run Business Can Sell Your Condo In The Alexandria Area At Old Town Greens

Recently Sold Homes In 22314 in the City of Alexandria

What's your home in the Alexandria Area at Old Town Greens truly worth? Stuart Nesbitt can help you find the market value of your home in 22314 for free.
Stuart Nesbitt
Stuart Nesbitt is a real estate professional
Get in touch with Stuart Nesbitt to get a free and more accurate assessment of your place's value. Stuart can also prepare a marketing plan to show you how he plans to get you the best price as quickly as possible.

Did you know that in in the Alexandria Area at Old Town Greens:

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